A Typical Day
8.30 - 9.15 Arrival and Registration
Snack time: Milk or water, fruit and biscuits time. Outdoors when the weather permits! This is a wonderful social occasion which promotes social skills, for example giving and receiving , waiting for turns, listening, conversation, sharing, respecting others. Water is also available throughout the day for children to pour themselves a glass when thirsty.
Circle time: Children and all staff come together for Circle Time. This is an opportunity for conversation and discussions about what interests us all. It is also when materials are presented and explained. It is an important part of the day providing valuable insight into each child's interests and personality. Children are encouraged to think about and decide on what they want to spend time doing each morning.
10.00- 10.45:
Work time: Children choose from a wide range of materials in our rich learning environment. The room, with its open doors to outside options in the summer, is designed to allow children to access and replace all materials easily. Children are encouraged to evaluate their work and keep something laid out on a mat to show parents and carers at the end of each session. They love this time of independence and freedom in their own place at their own pace. It is also the perfect opportunity for staff to observe, learn and direct according to each child's unique needs.
Adult led indoor and outdoor activities, for example craft and construction, art, making and responding to music, accompanied singing, dance, performing, gymnastics, cookery, gardening and growing things, entertaining guests, visits and excursions (See below for examples)
10.45 - 11.30: Outside play, outings. Whatever the weather we try to get out in it!
11.30 - 11.45: Story time and reinforcement of key learning points of the day/week. Outdoors when the weather permits.
12.00 - 12.45 Lunchtime for all staff and children.
1.00 - 2.00 Rest time for children: snoozing, sleeping or reading, quiet activities
2.00 - 2.30 Children work independently as in the morning session. The last part of this session is used to tidy up their work for the next day.
2.30 - 2.45: Story Time and quick review of children's best bits of the day to end on a happy note welcoming parents and carers into the room.
2.45 - 3.00: Outdoor play
3.00 to 3.30: Departure.
Examples of visits and excursions
Maison Francaise, The Natural History Museum, Nature Walks in Port Meadow, University Park, allotment, Farmers' market, local shops ...