About us

Our team
We are a dedicated, experienced and professional team, passionately committed to providing the best curriculum to prepare children for school.
As committed, permanent staff we guarantee stability for the children, who all have the same key person during their time with us.
We recognise the crucial value of our relationships with parents, working in their mother tongue when we can.
Each teacher teaches in her/his own language so the children associate a language with a teacher to avoid confusion. This is done in a small group or on an individual basis.
Most our staff have extended safeguarding training and hold paediatric First Aid qualifications.
Our setting
Our setting is a secure and beautiful open space in a renovated old Coach House. Our main room has big French doors giving direct access to our garden. The space is airy, spacious and bright. Our environment is well-prepared and structured. Well-planned resources are accessible and clearly displayed on our shelves.
The logo
We are situated in the heart of Oxford next to the famous Radcliffe Observatory which has inspired our logo...children hold the future in their hand.
Our 'raison d'être'
Looking at some aspects of what tomorrow's world will bring for the next generation, we can anticipate, with increasing globalisation and global social networking, our children will be in contact with 2 or 3 languages regularly, if not daily.
Many personal and social attributes and skills can be developed through the acquisition of another language: multiculturalism, communication skills, a life-long love of social interaction, curiosity, eagerness to learn, adaptability, resourcefulness, respect for different cultures and traditions…broadening personal horizons!
In addition children with more than one language are known to perform better in tasks that call for divergent thinking, pattern recognition, problem-solving and abstraction.
Learning another language and understanding and valuing cultural differences as early as possible can give a huge head start and a firm foundation for a successful future.